Methodical and structured approach
Desktop safety reviews
Safety case reviews
Hazard & operability studies (HAZOP)
Hazard analysis studies (HAZAN)
A detailed examination of all current conditions and operations of plant safety systems
Identification of safety hazards associated with those operations
Identification of safety functions that must be maintained to prevent safety hazards from leading to an unsafe condition.
Recognition of structures, systems and components (SSC) that uphold safety functions.
Design substantiation reports (DSR)
Design justification reports (DIR)
Design assessment reports (DAR)
Adherence to applicable safety legislation, procedures & standards

Let’s make your business as safe as it can be.
Bringing continuous rigor and structure to the most important aspect of any customer’s business – operational safety.
ContactDid you know?
There is a healthy cross-over to Safety System Design expertise within our Automation team.